東京、横浜、オンラインにて学習に特化したランゲージエクスチェンジパートナー(language exchange partners)募集、紹介サービス、ラーニングキャッチボール



日本には2020年まで滞在予定。平日の夜または週末の昼間に時間があります。1週間に1回から3回の交流を希望。新宿、中野、高円寺が都合が良いです。真面目なface to faceパートナー希望。
I want to learn basic Japanese conversation first. I need a solid base of knowledge to build on.
I hope to one day be able to have casual conversation with people in Japanese. I wish to learn
hiragana/katakana/kanji so I can read menus and other documents. To partner:Be patient with me.
I have been in Japan for 2.5 years and I have found Japanese to be very difficult and I have avoided
lessons because I felt bad about my level.
I am a kindergarten teacher here in Tokyo. I am originally from Kentucky but I relocated to Tokyo
from NYC in 2015. I am an artist and I love traveling. In my spare time I like to create with my hands,
listen to music on vinyl, and bike around the city. I want to learn Japanese so I can connect with the
Japanese people more. Thank you.
What is your target(goal) to learn Japanese?
Japanese level
English level
I can do evenings after 6 and weekends. Shinjuku or surrounding areas are most convenient for me. I am 35 year old female from America and I used to work as a manicurist
in the US so I think we could have a lot to talk about. Thanks!


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