No | Topic |
1 | 病院で症状説明How do you describe your symptom? |
2 | 教育アドバイスHow do you advise in Japanese? |
3 | 部屋探しWhat kind of room are you looking for? |
4 | レ ストランクレームHow do you complain? |
5 | デートに誘うHow do you ask out on a date |
6 | ス ポーツルールの説明How do you explain the rules of the sports |
7 | タイムマシーンがあったらWhat if you get a time machine |
8 | ジムに勧誘How do you recruit members for the gym |
9 | 購入についてHow do you ask in Japanese? |
10 | ビザの更新How do you extend your visa |
No | Topic |
11 | どんな性格what kind of person he/she is |
12 | 融資を受けるHow do you get a loan in Japanese? |
13 | 映画のストーリーを説明How do you explain the movie's story |
14 | 職業お勧めWhat jobs do you recommend? |
15 | 友達に相談How do you ask your friends to help you? |
16 | 旅行トラブルWhat if you ran into trouble in Japan? |
17 | 口座開設How do you open bank account |
18 | 面接を受けるHow do you take an job interview |
19 | プロポーズするHow do you propose in Japanese? |
20 | 警察を呼ぶHow do you ask for help in Japanese? |
No | Topic |
21 | どんな映画が好きwhat kind of movie do you like |
22 | 髪を切るHow do you ask your hairdresser |
23 | 10年後の世界what's the world in another 10 years |
24 | プレゼンするHow do you give a presentation |
25 | マッチングアプリの活用How do you use the dating application |
26 | 日本語学習で一番難しいのはWhat is the most difficult in learning Japanese |
27 | 行列に並ぶHow do you ask your friend to get in a long line |
28 | 日本の観光地紹介How do you introduce the tourist spots in Japan |
29 | 薬局にてHow do you get medicine you need |
30 | 日本人と親しくなる方法How do you become friends |
No | Topic |
31 | ルームメイトを探すHow do you find your roommate |
32 | コーチと選手How do you train the sports players |
33 | ごみの出し方What's the rule of taking out the trash |
34 | タクシー内の会話How do you enjoy the conversation in the taxi |
35 | 区役所での引っ越し手続きHow do you take the moving procedure |
36 | 応募資格の確認How do you ask qualification requirement |
37 | 温泉の入り方How do you take a hot spring bath |
38 | 隣人トラブルWhat if the room to next door is noisy |
39 | 銀行強盗を説得するHow do you persuade the bank robber |
40 | 結婚希望条件を伝えるHow do you convey your requests |
No | Topic |
41 | 日本の歌の歌詞Let's talk about the Japanese lyrics you like |
42 | 国際結婚の良いところWhat's the good points of international marriage |
43 | 歯の症状を伝えるHow do you explain your dental symptoms |
44 | 日本での自転車の乗り方ルールDo you know the rule of riding a bicycle in Japan |
45 | 職業当てクイズLet's guess his/her occupation |
46 | 恋人の性格の直し方How do you fix your lover's character |
47 | 整形手術を受けるLet's explain how you like to get a plastic surgery |
48 | 解約手続きについてHow do you take the cancellation procedure |
49 | 値引き交渉How do you get a discount |
50 | 地震が発生したらWhat if the earthquake occured |
No | Topic |
51 | 日本の食べ物の紹介How do you introduce Japanese food |
52 | 親と教育論議Let's talk about education policy |
53 | 名刺交換How do you exchange business cards |
54 | 冤罪How do you resolve the misunderstanding |
55 | 退職後の生活についてLet's talk about life after retirement |
56 | 別れ話How do you say when you separate |
57 | 流行フ ァッションについてLet's talk about the trendy fashion in your country |
58 | 目撃状況の説明How do you explain the situation |
59 | 面接マナーについてDo you know the interview manners |
60 | 100円ショップCould you explain how to use it? |